Succesful PhD Defensio of Faton Tishukaj!

Faton Tishukaj defended on 25.09.2019 succesfully his doctor thesis at the Department of Sport Science.

Faton Tishukaj defended on 25.09.2019 succesfully his doctor thesis about "Lifestyle, fitness and cardiovascular disease risk in children and adolescents" at the Department of Sport Science. The thesis describes the influence of overweight on physical fitness in adolescents from the urban and rural areas in Kosovo (Tishukaj F. et al.. BMC Public Health 2017). Prof. Karsten Froberg (University of Southern Denmark, Odense) and Prof. Laura Capranica (University of Rome „Foro Italico“) were integrated as external experts to survey the thesis and to discuss it with the candidate as part of the defensio. Supervisor (Harald Tschan) and Co-supervisor (Barbara Wessner) congratulate cordially and are looking forward to more collaborations with Faton Tishukaj and the University of Prishtina, Kosovo.